Jules Hardman

What is Pilates?

Everything you need to know

Pilates is a body conditioning method that works in a different way to any other fitness technique.

Developed by Joseph Pilates (1880-1967), it targets deep postural muscles, building strength from the inside out. By using a set of principles designed to improve the quality of movement, Pilates can help with prevention and recovery of a variety of sports injuries.

Pilates helps rectify muscle imbalance and flexibility. Pilates builds on the body's core stability and balance. The perfect balance between strength and flexibility.


Who is it for?

Is pilates right for you?

Physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and doctors now recommend Pilates as one of the safest and most effective forms of exercise available.

The results you see from Pilates won’t just remain in the studio. You will learn to incorporate what you learn in your Pilates sessions into your daily lives – how you stand and walk, how you sit at the computer or drive a car, as well as more physical activities such as football, skiing, tennis, running, cycling, hiking, dancing or swimming. Pilates can work for everyone regardless of age or fitness level.


    Pilates Blog

    • September – Make time to join a Pilates Class!

      Posted by Jules on September 23, 2024

      The children are back at school so whether you are a parent or grandparent take some well-deserved ME time. With more time on your hands now is the time to join a Pilates class. It’s well known that physically active can lead to a healthier and happier life. Pilates is a great form of exercise […]

    • Knee pain and how Pilates can help

      Posted by Jules on June 11, 2024

      Your knee joints are one of the most important joints in your body. They help you to carry out simple day to day activities, such as walking, going up and down the stairs and physical exercise. Knee pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints and can have an big impact on your quality […]

    • Reformer on the Mat

      Posted by Jules on February 20, 2024

        Reformer on the Mat is a challenging and physically demanding form of mat work. When transferring the reformer exercises on to the mat, effectively removing the support or resistance of the machine a whole new repertoire of exercises emerges. In some cases the exercises become more challenging because the body no longer has the […]